Online conversation
Surviving the Cuts: Imagining Fundraising Beyond Public Donors Support

Surviving the Cuts: Fundraising Beyond Public Donors Support

Matteo Guidotti, Emilie Compignie
, -

As public donor funding continues to decline, organisations must rethink their fundraising strategies to remain sustainable. This shift presents both challenges and opportunities—requiring adaptability, innovation, and resilience. This online conversation will cover the following key points:

  • Examine the reasons behind the decline of public donor funding and its consequences
  • Assess the impact on your fundraising strategies
  • Discover the importance of building a resilient fundraising approach

Join our webinar and gain valuable insights from Matteo Guidotti, Academic Advisor, and Emilie Compignie, Fundraising Consultant, as they delve into these current issues.

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Matteo Guidotti






Academic Advisor, Mastering Fundraising Practices, Geneva Graduate Institute
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Emilie Compignie






Fundraising Consultant, Trainer and Coach
Academic Advisor, Mastering Fundraising Practices, Geneva Graduate Institute
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Executive Course in Mastering Fundraising Practices, Geneva Graduate Institute



Johnson Jimmye (Mrs.)
Admissions Officer
+41 (0)22 908 57 28

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