Meaningful development results can be achieved only via a deep understanding of the needs of the beneficiaries and a solid engagement with the stakeholders concerned. During the entire project cycle, project management practices must be adapted to reflect the complexity of social change and to translate proposals into actions that improve communities’ development and deliver positive change within the time and resources available.

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  • Acquire the tools to successfully design, implement, monitor and evaluate a development project in changing and complex contexts

  • Implement the theory of change to create tangible and sustainable change in collaboration with your stakeholders

  • Gain a deeper understanding in project management to engineer, steer and evaluate social change


Who should apply?

Development practitioners, freelance consultants, evaluators, heads or field officers from multilateral or bilateral agencies, donors, NGOs, charities, foundations, international organisations in charge of:

  • Designing and performing quality control of development projects

  • Managing and overseeing the implementation of projects

  • Reviewing, monitoring and evaluating projects



Successful participants receive a certificate of participation. On completion of the training course, participants can earn 3 ECTS by submitting an assignment and paying an extra fee of 300 CHF.

Terms and conditions


Related SDGs

SDG 1 - No poverty SDG 2 - zero hunger SDG 4 - quality education SDG 9 - industry, innovation and infrastructure  SDG 17 - partnerships for the goals

Module 1

Designing change for sustainable development

  • Project management according to Project Cycle Management and Results-Based Management frameworks
  • Understand the challenge(s), assess the context and analyse the stakeholders
  • Choose the right operational strategy: from the theory of change to the logical framework
  • How to leverage the power of AI to design your project


Module 2

Tools and practices for adaptive project implementation

  • Elaborate the budget of a development project
  • Develop management operational tools: calendar, monitoring plan, risk management system, project governance, and communication plan


Module 3

How to design and conduct an evaluation

  • Learn how to connect the theory of change and the evaluation framework
  • Scoping the evaluation approach and framework
  • Zoom in on impact evaluations and its methodological implications
  • Conduct an evaluation from the Terms of Reference to the final report

Overall, the experience was fantastic. The course was definitely worth my time and financial investment. The highly inspiring, insightful and motivated lecturer Dr. Guidotti changed the way I design, implement, and manage my projects. On top of that, my fellow students’ critical thinking, dynamism and generosity had a beneficial impact on my learning journey.

Alumna 2022

I wholeheartedly recommend the Strategic Project Management for Development course. Each of the three modules thoroughly covers the stages of the project management cycle. Matteo is a great facilitator/teacher who applies different teaching modalities throughout the course. The diversity of participants and sharing of experiences and learnings also enriched my whole course experience. I can recommend the course both for beginners as well as people who have already had some project management experience "on the job" but never received any formal training.

Alumna 2022

Matteo's course opened up an entirely different door for me to think about projects. It was real, substantial, and of tremendous value to development practitioners and leaders.
Alumnus 2021
Extract from the 2021 Annual Survey
Extensive education on strategic project management for development for relevance and impact.
Alumnus 2021
Extract from the 2021 Annual Survey
Matteo is a clear, highly trained, experienced top leader of strategic project management.
Alumnus 2021
Extract from the 2021 Annual Survey

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Applications 2024

Applications are now closed


Dates 2025
Exclusively Online
28 Feb. - 1 March 2025
7-8 March 2025
14-15 March 2025


Dates 2025
16-17 Oct. 2025
23-24 Oct. 2025
30-31 Oct. 2025


1  module: CHF 950
2 modules: CHF 1'900
All 3 modules: CHF 2'650


Alumni, Early bird
Contact us


Maison de la Paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A
1202 Geneva



For organisations

Our open enrolment programmes can be adapted to fit the needs of your organisation.

Contact us

Johnson Jimmye (Mrs.)
Admissions Officer
+41 (0)22 908 57 28

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