The overall objective of this training programme is to enhance the technical capacity of stakeholders to consider gender in sustainable development actions. The programme aims to strengthen the capacities of professionals to analyse the impacts of climate change and lead advocacy initiatives on behalf of vulnerable populations. Partnership building and networking across the Global South will be central to the training.

The programme is implemented in collaboration with Alfajiri WHeT and the African Risk Capacity - ARC, which is mandated to assist African Union member states in better planning, preparing, and responding to climate-related disasters.

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  • Acquire skills to analyse and use innovative tools to help overcome gender inequalities in the face of climate risks
  • Analyse the impacts of gender inequality on climate change and disaster risk management
  • Develop practical tools to implement programmes and projects to mitigate climate change and manage risks from a gender mainstreaming perspective as part of your professional, academic, or associative activities
  • Exchange experiences with other professionals confronted with climate change and disaster risk management challenges
  • Join an international network of gender and disaster risk management (DRM) and climate change (CC) advocates


Who should apply?

  • Government functionaries who hold or are expected to take on roles of responsibility for the implementation of DRM & CC policies and strategies
  • Private sector actors involved in DRM initiatives
  • Youths desirous of taking up career
    opportunities in DRM and CC
  • Advocates for gender-responsive approaches in DRM and CC actions and initiatives
  • Representatives of civil society organisations active at the national and international levels
  • Representatives of Regional bodies and international organisations



Certificate of Advanced Studies in Gender and Risk Management in Climate Change (15 ECTS)

Terms and conditions   

Module 1

Gender concepts, theories and tools

  • Acquire methodological, theoretical and operational tools for integrating a gender perspective into professional fields
  • Analyse how gender inequalities are (re)produced in different geographical contexts


Module 2

Gender and climate change adaptation and mitigation

  • Acquire knowledge of international DRM and CC frameworks, policies and strategies
  • Share insights and tools to address DRM and CC: the case of the ARC mechanism
  • Deepen understanding of gender roles in adaptation and women’s decision-making in affected regions
  • Support climate justice and women’s participation in line with SDGs and the Paris Agreement


Module 3

Gender and Disaster Risk Management in fragile climatic contexts

  • Incorporate a gender perspective into climate change and disaster risk management
  • Explore the link between gender, Disaster Risk Management and governance
  • Integrate a gender perspective into all the phases and components of a project’s life cycle


Module 4

Gender, health and prevention of gender-based violence in climate emergencies

  • Explore how macroeconomic policies impact gender in health, with a focus on feminist perspectives
  • Understand the role of gender in global health policies, especially in development and humanitarian aid
  • Analyse the socio-economic impact of gender-based violence in humanitarian crises in relation to patriarchal norms
  • Explore the potential of women networks in advocating for gender responsiveness in DRM and CC patriarchal norms

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Please complete the application form and return it by e-mail, attached with your CV, to Mr. David Morales, Programme Manager


June 2025


CHF 10'500


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For organisations

Our open enrolment programmes can be adapted to fit the needs of your organisation.

Contact us

David Morales
Programme Manager
+41 (0)22 908 62 64

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