This course will first delve into the historical evolution of diplomatic protocol, and explore the fundamental principles that underpin diplomatic protocol, providing a framework for understanding its importance and application in international relations. This includes precedence and the ranking of diplomats, forms of address and titles, as well as protocol guidelines and rules of procedures for meetings and negotiations in international organisations. Then, we will focus on diplomatic communication, covering various forms such as letters, notes, and cables.

You will learn the nuances of diplomatic language and etiquette, essential for effective correspondence and diplomatic discourse. Last, we will practice and discuss protocol considerations for hosting and attending receptions, banquets, and ceremonies, highlighting the significance of cultural awareness and sensitivity in diplomatic interactions.

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  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and significance of diplomatic protocol
  • Recognise and apply the key elements of diplomatic protocol, including precedence, forms of address, and ceremonial procedures
  • Understand the different types of diplomatic communication, encompassing written correspondence, diplomatic language, and public speaking
  • Exhibit awareness of cultural sensitivities and customs in diplomatic interactions
  • Apply protocol considerations to official events, meetings, and negotiations
  • Employ diplomatic networking skills to build productive relationships with counterparts


Who is this programme for?

This programme is particularly relevant for mid- to senior level practitioners from various organisations working as:

  • Professionals in the fields of governmental affairs, compliance, corporate social responsibility, environment, social and governance and sustainability
  • Policy and governance officers and head of programme
  • Diplomats and members of permanent missions
  • Professionals who wish to update their skills and knowledge with the latest tech developments

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Applications will open soon


4 Dec. 2025

This 1-day face-to-face course is part of the Executive Diploma in Diplomacy, Negotiation and Policy. As such, you will be able to exchange with participants of that degree-granting programme.


CHF 400


Contact us


In-person course
Maison de la Paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A
1202 Geneva



For organisations

Our open enrolment programmes can be adapted to fit the needs of your organisation.

Contact us

Johnson Jimmye (Mrs.)
Admissions Officer
+41 (0)22 908 57 28

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