PhD, Graduate Institute of International Studies and University of Geneva
Dr Rodogno was a Research Fellow at the London School of Economics (2002-2004), Foreign Associate Researcher at the Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent in Paris (2004-2005), RCUK Academic Fellow at the School of History, University of St Andrews (2005-2010), and SNSF – Research Professor (2008-2011). Associate professor (2011-2014) and full professor since 2014 at the Graduate Institute, he served as head of the International History and Politics Department (2014-2017). His doctoral thesis was published in Italian in 2003 and in English as Fascism’s European Empire (Cambridge University Press, 2006). Rodogno was grantee of the Rockefeller Archives Centre in 2011; he was grantee of the SNSF ‘Sinergia’ programme on a project entitled Patterns of Transnational Regulations. He researches the history of humanitarianism, human rights and racism, international organizations, philanthropic foundations, and international public health since the nineteenth century. In 2011 Rodogno published Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire (1815-1914), the Birth of a Concept and International Practice (Princeton University Press). During the summer of 2012 the Kofi Annan Foundation mandated Rodogno to write a confidential report documenting the experience of the United Nations and League of Arab States Joint Special Envoy for Syria. More recently, Rodogno co-edited and authored a volume on the history of Humanitarian Photography, a volume on Transnational Networks of Experts in the Long Nineteenth century, and another on the League of Nations’ social work. In 2021 he published Night on Earth – A History of International Humanitarianism in the Near East 1918-1930. From 2017 to 2021 Rodogno was grantee of an FNS project on Minority Protection in Belgium, Italy and Spain; and since 2018 of another FNS grant on the Rockefeller Foundation fellows as heralds of globalization (1910s-1970s). Since 2019, the History of International Organizations Network Internet (a platform Rodogno co-funded) regularly informs on activities related to the Centenary of International Organizations in Geneva. Rodogno started a collaboration with the Museum of the Red Cross and co-funded a podcast start-up that collaborates with the Festival et Forum International des Droits Humains (FIFDH). Since October 2020 he is the Head of the Interdisciplinary Programs of the Graduate Institute.
- Humanitarian action & intervention
- Peacekeeping, peacebuilding, reconstruction policy
- Social movements, trade unions, NGOs
- Military occupation
- State-building, sovereignty
- Immigrants, refugees, diasporas
- Colonialism, decolonisation & postcolonialism
- Ideas & politics
- Nationalism
- Affect, emotion & senses
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Greece
- Holy See
- Italy
- Malta
- Montenegro
- North Macedonia
- Portugal
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Belgium
- France
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Israël
- Lebanon
- Libya
- State of Palestine
- Tunisia
In Preparation
- e-project with Sandrine Kott (University of Geneva): The History of International Organizations and their Development Programmes in Historical Perspective, tentative title (editor and author)
- An International History of Racism – a Textbook, co-author and co-editor with Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, Routledge, 2023.
- Sovereignty, Nationalism, and the Quest for Homogeneity in Interwar Europe, co-editor with Emmanuel Dalle Mulle and Mona Bieling, New York: Bloomsbury, 2022.
- Night on Earth - Humanitarian Organizations’ Relief and Rehabilitation Programmes on Behalf of Civilian Populations (1918-1939). (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
- The League of Nations’ Work on Social Issues, author and editor, with Liat Kozma and Magaly Rodriguez, New York, United Nations Press, 2016.
- Humanitarian Photography : a History, author and editor with Heide Fehrenbach, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015 ; paperback 2016.
- Shaping the Transnational Sphere: Networks of Expert and Organizations in the Long Nineteenth Century, author and editor with Bernard Struck and Jakob Vogel, New York, Berghahn Books, 2014.
- Ideas and Identities: Theory and Practice in the Twentieth Century, editor and co-authored withJaci Eisenberg, Bern, Peter Langs, 2014.
- Contro il Massacro. Gli Interventi Umanitari nella Politica Europea, 1815-1914, Laterza, Rome, 2012.
- Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire (1815-1914), Princeton University Press – Series: Human Rights and Crimes Against Humanity, Princeton, 2011, paperback, 2015.
- Fascism’s European Empire, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006.
- Il nuovo ordine mediterraneo. Le politiche d’occupazione dell’Italia fascista in Europa 1940-1943, Bollati Boringhieri, Turin, 2003.
Journals’ Special Issues (as editor and author)
- The Meaning(s) of Global Public Health, editor with Marcos Cueto and Nicole Bourbonnais, Historia Ciéncia Saúde Manguinhos, 2020.
- Foreign War Volunteers in the Twentieth Century, editor with Nir Arielli, special issue of the Journal of Modern European History, 14, 3, 2016.
Articles in peer reviewed journals
- ‘The Near East Relief and the American Board Commissions for Foreign Missions. Humanitarian Partnership and Divorce in the Near East (1918–1929)’, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 2022.
- ‘What Riding an Old Triumph Motorcycle Taught Me About International Societies, Academic ‘Turns’ and Dead-Ends, H-Diplo Roundtable Review of Erez Manela, International Society as a Historical Subject, Diplomatic History, 44, 2, 2020, 184-209.
- ‘Relief and Reconstructive humanitarian work of the American Red Cross in Jerusalem and Palestine 1917-1919’, Journal of Migration History Special issue tentatively entitled Refugeedom and the Making of the Middle East”, 6, 2020, 16-39.
- ‘ “A Horrific Photo of a Drowned Child”. Humanitarian Photography and NGO Media Strategies in Historical Perspective’, with Heide Fehrenbach, International Review of the Red Cross, 2016, 1-35. (14,000 words long)
- ‘Transnational Encounters on the Receiving End: Hosting and Remembering Twentieth-Century Foreign War Volunteers’, with Nir Arielli, Journal of Modern European History, 14, 3, 2016, 315-320.
- ‘L’Italie fasciste, puissance occupante en Europe’ Revue d’Histoire de la Shoah – numéro spécial : l’Italie et la Shoah, edited by Laura Fontana et Georges Bensoussan, 204, 1, 2016, 275-298.
- ‘The Ottoman Empire, the Issue of Interventions upon Grounds of Humanity, and Western European legal scholars during the nineteenth century’, Journal of the History of International Law, special issue, edited by Umut Ozsu and Thomas Skouteris, International Legal History of the Ottoman Empire, 2015, 5-41. (14,000 words long)
Chapters in peer reviewed edited volumes:
- What International Organizations talk about when they talk about themselves and how they do it. Interlude, Handbook on International Research Methods, edited by Fanny Badache and others, Michigan: Michigan University Press, 2022, 262-270.
- Certainty, Compassion and the Ingrained Arrogance of Humanitarianism; Is continuity preeminent over change?’, The Red Cross Movement: Re-evaluating and Re-Imagining the History of Humanitarianism, edited by James Crossland, Melanie Oppenheim and Neville Wylie, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020)
- Naufragés et Rescapés, Fantômes et Statues, Oubliés et Oublis dans les Archives des Institutions Humanitaires, Normer l’Oublie, edited by Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff and Vincent Negri (Paris: PUF/ Institut de recherche juridique de la Sorbonne, collection « Les voies du droit », 2016.
- ‘Les Italiens, de gentils occupants’, Les Mythes de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, tome II, eds. Olivier Wieviorka et Jean Lopez, (Paris: Perrin, 2017), 183-198.
- ‘Nineteenth-century interventions d’humanity and the issue of responsibility’, International Responsibility. Essays in Law, History and Philosophy, edited by Samantha Besson, (Geneve: Editions Schulthess, 2017), 140-155.
- ‘International fellowship programmes for public health development. The Rockefeller Foundation, UNRRA, and WHO, 1920s – 1970s’. with Yitang Lin and Thomas David, Global Mobility: Exchange Programs, Scholarships and Fellowships, edited by Giles Scott Smith and Ludovic Tournès, (New York: Berghahn Books, 2017), 33-52.
- ‘Humanitarian Interventions in Historical Perspective’, Oxford Handbook on the Responsibility to Protect, edited by Alex Bellamy and Tim Dunne, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2015, 19-37.
- ‘The Near East Relief humanitarian politics and practices in the aftermath of the First World War’, The Emergence of Humanitarian Intervention, edited by Fabian Klose, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- ‘Relief and Reconstruction programs in Greece, 1922-1925’ (in collaboration with Francesca Piana and Shaloma Gauthier), Dilemmas of Humanitarian Aid in the Twentieth Century, edited by Johannes Paulmann, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, 147-170.
- ‘Wartime occupation by Italy’, (Chapter 2, Part C.) Occupation, Collaboration, Resistance and Liberation in The Cambridge History of the Second World War, edited by Richard Bosworth and Joe Maiolo, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Public Outreach, Articles in Newspapers and participation to documentaries
- Decolonisation and Humanitarianism, 27 October 2021.
- Faut pas Croire, RTS, 16 October 2021.
- Interview of Patrick Chappatte, political cartoonist, Graduate Institute, 7 October 2021.
- Philanthropie et ‘advocacy’, des liaison dangereuses ?, 6 Septembre 2021.
- Connaître le passé nous rend plus libres, La Tribune de Genève, Sophie Davaris, 8 July 2021.
- Le due superpotenze e l’elefante, Corriere del Ticino, 16 June 2021.
- On Voices – A conversation with Max Richter and Yulia Mahr – FIFDH 2021.
- Utopia3, second series, 2021.
- Daniel Lombroso, White Noise, a documentary on the Alt-Right in North America and Beyond, interviewed for the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights, 3 February 2021.
- Entretien, « La Diplomatie Multilatérale pendant la Crise de la Covid-19 »,, recorded in January 2021, by Abdeleli, Abdelahafidh, 26 January 2021, published 8 February 2021.
- Pétition Archives Ouvertes, with Sandrine Kott and Véronique Stenger, HION.
- Expert participation to the movie « Une histoire d’amour sous l’occupation italienne », « Dove danzeremo domani ? », France 5 and RAI, by film director Audrey Gordon, produced by Nilaya Productions and Zenit Arti Audiovisive, 2021-.
Entretien, Loin d’Etre militant, l’antiracisme est une question de démocratie, Le Temps, 29 December 2020, avec Mohammad- Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, par Marc Allgöwer, - Désenchevêtrer l’action humanitaire de la mission salvatrice, avec Julie Billaud, Le Temps, 29 Octobre 2020.
- A cosa serve l’ONU, RSI, Rete Due, Moby Dick, A cura di Alessandro Bertellotti e Sabrina Faller, guests, Alessandra Vellucci (UN), Prof. Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, Francesco Pisano (UN), and Dr. Michela Trisconi, Sat 26 September 2020,
- Interview with Frédéric Burnand, Swiss-info, 29 July 2020, on the history of the League of Nations and the crisis of Multilateralism. Published on 24 September 2020,échoué--ce-que-l-histoire-de-la-sdn-révèle-de-l-onu/46055466
- Interview with Thaïs Chaigne, Nicolas Kurek, La Genève international vibre-t-elle pour la Biélorussie?,, 19 août 2020,
- Email exchange with Selver Kabacalman, journalist for Le Courrier, 28 July 2020: who, when, how and why statutes are eliminated?
- Forum, Utopia3, un Podcast Consacré aux Droits Humains, 29 June 2020, Radio Suisse Romande – RSR la 1ère - Utopia3, first series, 9 episodes, Marc- September 2020, co-founder, co-producer, author, and co-interviewer:
- The Historical Impact of the Coronavirus,,
Graduate Institute What Matters Today, Episode 4, 22 May 2020. - Bilan du Cessez-le-feu mondial, 8 May 2020. - Comparer la grippe espagnole et le Covid-19: analyse historique et pistes de réflexion, Fondation Pierre du Bois pour l’Histoire du Temps Présent, Papiers d’actualité/Current Affairs in Perspective, 5 May 2020,
- Faut-il vraiment comparer la grippe espagnole et le covid-19?,, Pocket Lecture Series, 25 April 2020,
- What do past pandemics tell us about the likely impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the international order, 25 April 2020.
- La FIFA et le ‘worst’ du racisme, Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou et Davide Rodogno 16 January 2020.
- The age of Weaponised racism, with Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, 20 and 21 November 2019 and its extended version.
- Matteo Salvini: décryptage de la méthode du capitaine RTS, 14 august 2019
- Genève, 100 ans après l'accueil de la SDN, devenue cuisine mondiale 24 April 2019.
- Interview and video, Corriere della Sera, 27 January 2019, “1943, I giorni di una Tregua”, Antonio Ferrari and Alessia Rastelli
- Public Conference with Don McCullin, Irreconcilable Truths: a Photojournalist and Exceptional Truths, in collaboration with Le Temps, 24 April 2017.
- Interview of the Radio Suisse Romande on sending humanitarian aid to Somalia, the initiative of a ‘youtuber’.
- Interview of the Radio Suisse Romande on Fascism’s European Empire and military occupations during the Second World War, Histoire Vivante, January 2017. Broadcast in February 2017.
- The Responsibility to Protect Core Group in Geneva, the Permanent Mission of Australia, Ghana, Hungary, Nigerai, Rwanda and Uruguay, with the support of the UN Office in Geneva, 10thAnniversary of the R2P, Implementing R2P in the Geneva Context – a Focus on Prevention, 19 November 2015.
- 2022: Co-author with Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou, Temps, Espaces, Mémoires. Monuments et Héritage Raciste et Colonial dans l’Espace Public: État des Lieux Historique – Étude pour la Ville de Genève, published, 188 pages.
- 2012: Co-author with Felix Ohnmacht of Documenting the experience of the Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations and League of Arab States in Syria (February-August 2012). Kofi Annan Foundation, Confidential Report, unpublished, 150 pages.
- 2002: ‘Public – Private interfaces and business environment Interactions and Barriers to Development and Modernization’ in Lithuania: Readiness for European Union Integration’ – Report, Country Economic Memorandum, The World Bank, 2002 (available online).
- Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique Suisse, Rockefeller Fellows as Heralds of Globalization: the Circulation of Elites, Knowledge, and Practices of Modernization (1920s-1970s), with professors Ludovic Tournès, Thomas David, post-doc Dr. Yi-Tang Lin, three PhD students, various collaborators and a partnership with the Rockefeller Archives Centres (awarded, approximately 1,5 million CHF), 2018-2022.
- Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique Suisse, Soutien Individuel, The Myth of Homogeneity. Minority Protection and Assimilation in Western Europe, 1919-1939, with Dr. Emmanuel Dalle Mulle (approximately 600,000 CHF, awarded), 2017-2020.
- Co-investigator with Thomas David, International Exploratory Workshop – FNS Globalization of Medicine and Public Health, Economic and Social Perspectives (1850-2000), Lausanne March 2015, (awarded 20,000 CHF)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the following Journals: Humanity (an interdisciplinary review); Contemporary European History; Medical History; ; Relations Internationales;
- Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique Suisse – Sinergia grantee (800,000 CHF) 2011-2015
- Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique Suisse – Professeur Boursier – (1, 150, 000 CHF) 2008-2012
- Royal Council United Kingdom (RCUK) Academic Fellow – University of St Andrews, School of Modern History, 2005-2008
- Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique Suisse – Bourse Chercheur Avancé 2002-2005
- Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique Suisse – Bourse Jeune Chercheur 1996-1997
- Co-founder of the Geneva based Groupe Histoire Organisation Internationales (GHOI)