Course objectives
The course on environmental peacebuilding has the following core objectives:
to introduce participants to peacebuilding and, in particular, environmental peacebuilding;
to comprehensively explore how natural resources and the environment can influence armed conflicts and vice-versa;
to assess the various components of peacebuilding, including the environmental dimensions in conflict and post-conflict situations;
examine the legal frameworks relevant to environmental peacebuilding;
to identify and discuss the challenges and opportunities encountered in environmental peacebuilding.
This training course is designed for militaries, law enforcement officers, international crisis management civilian personnel and diplomats.
Selection criteria
Master degree
At least two years of experience in the field of environmental peacebuilding
We welcome applications from all the regions of the world
Excellent knowledge of English
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia supports 25 scholarships which will cover travel costs, accommodation, and meals in Geneva as well as tuition fees.
Organised by
With the support of