Our Executive Education courses are specifically designed to offer you a flexible, individualised learning journey

  • Choose the relevant content for you: Advocacy, Negotiation, Development, Conflict & Security, International Law, Gender, Sustainable Finance, Environment, Health, Project Management

  • Determine your level of certification: Upskill series, Executive Courses, Executive Certificates, Executive Diplomas, up to an Executive Master

  • Learn on the job: with a combination of face-to-face and online modules

  • Study at your own pace: spread your journey over up to five years to gain ECTS credits towards recognised degrees


Our executive programmes

Degrees & ECTS

We are an institution of higher education, accredited by the Swiss government to deliver degrees - fully recognized academic credentials.

By completing a degree programme’s requirements, you will earn:

  • a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS): 2 modules, 15 ECTS*

  • a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS): 4 modules, 30 ECTS*

  • accumulate credits and receive a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS), 60 ECTS* (recognised as equivalent to a Master programme)

Upon successful completion, you will receive the diploma, transcript of grades and supplement to the diploma, with comprehensive information about your degree.

*ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System, a system recognised by 49 countries (part of the Bologna system) now to facilitate transfer of academic qualifications and recognition of degrees between these countries.

As an institution delivering official degrees, if your country is not part of the Bologna system, you can still ask for the legalisation of your degree by the Canton of Geneva, so that it is then recognised for official procedures in your country.

The Swiss Higher Education System

Joint centres

To offer a broad research perspective of critical global issues, the Graduate Institute works in close collaboration with the University of Geneva through three joint centres:

  • Geneva Academy (The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights)

  • Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies

  • CIDS (Center for International Dispute Settlement). Learn more about them and their programme offering here.



Jimmye Johnson

Admissions Officer
+41 (0)22 908 57 28

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