On Tuesday 16 January 2024, the Institute will host a pivotal panel discussion at the AI House Davos. Moderated by Jérôme Duberry, Managing Director of the Tech Hub at the Geneva Graduate Institute, and Daniel Dobos, Research Director at Swisscom, the session will delve into the profound geopolitical implications of Artificial Intelligence for business, government, and society.
As AI technology rapidly integrates into various sectors, this session aims to offer a comprehensive exploration of its current and future impact on global geopolitics and international relations. The discussion will address critical questions, such as the role of AI in shaping geopolitics; the concept of human-centered AI and its societal implications; the involvement of the global south, particularly women and youth, in AI governance; and the various scenarios in AI governance and their geopolitical consequences.
We are proud to feature an esteemed panel of speakers, including Brad Smith (Vice Chair and President, Microsoft), Doreen Bogdan-Martin (Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union), Amandeep Gill (Under-Secretary-General, Office of the UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology), and Marie-Laure Salles (Director, Geneva Graduate Institute). Their diverse perspectives promise to enrich the conversation with depth and insight. We expect the dialogue to be engaging and dynamic, and we aim to foster organic conversation, allowing speakers to comment on and add to each other's insights.
This session serves not only as a pivotal forum for discourse but also as a platform to underscore our Institute's profound expertise in the realm of artificial intelligence and its implications. Another example of our unique approach in this field will be on show at the AI House Davos: our pioneering scientific communication project titled “Stories of the Future”, which intersects youth, art, and AI. Managed in collaboration with the Geneva and Zurich Schools of Art and Design (HEAD and ZHdk) and the Center for Democracy Studies in Aarau, this project aims to raise citizen awareness of the current use of Al in democracy through an innovative participatory approach. It proposes to give young people and artists the opportunity to express their visions for the future of democracy in Switzerland, while considering the role of Al in this specific context.
We cordially invite policymakers, academics, industry leaders, investors, journalists, and all interested parties to join us for these enlightening exchanges of ideas and thoughts.
Conference registration is currently open, and we recommend securing your spot early as seating is limited. The session will also be recorded to be shared after the session. For additional details, kindly visit the dedicated AI House Davos agenda page.
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A
Case postale 1672
CH - 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland
+41 (0)22 908 57 09