What will social development look like in 2030?
Beyond 2030: The Future of Social Development in a Changing World

Beyond 2030: The Future of Social Development in a Changing World

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Ivan Pictet Auditorium, Maison de la paix, 2 Chemin Eugène-Rigot

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What will the future of social development look like beyond 2030?

As the world navigates an era of unprecedented change, the pursuit of sustainable development faces new challenges and opportunities. From technological advancements, democracy deficits, shifting geopolitical landscapes to widening inequalities and the escalating climate crisis, the global community must reassess its approaches to justice, inclusion, and equity. In this context, the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) and the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy are convening a High-Level Panel to bring together thought leaders from government, academia, the United Nations system and civil society for a strategic dialogue on the future of social development, the path to 2030 and beyond, and the role of research in driving transformative change.

This high-level discussion will serve as a pivotal moment for reflection, gathering diverse perspectives to assess critical barriers, identify emerging opportunities, and explore how evidence-based research and knowledge can effectively shape policies that drive social transformation.  

By bringing together diverse expertise across disciplines and sectors, the event aims to inspire a shared vision for the future and solutions needed to advance social, economic and environmental progress, strengthen policy coherence, and drive systemic change in the years ahead.

This event is part of a broader consultation process to shape UNRISD’s Strategy 2026–2030, ensuring our research remains impactful and aligns with global efforts to accelerate progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


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